To commemorate the unconditional love of mothers, the World Mission Society Church of God in New York held celebratory brunches for Mother’s Day 2019. On May 12, 2019, Church of God members in the Bronx, Manhattan and New Windsor honored their mothers. They expressed their thanks to their mothers who have dedicated their entire lives to protect and nurture them without expecting anything in return.
Church of God members made Mother’s Day 2019 a special and unique day for their mothers. In each location, members prepared delicious food, and various forms of entertainment and activities to warm their mothers’ hearts.

New Windsor, NY
In New Windsor, the Church of God organized an eventful day for their mothers and relatives. The members prepared the brunch and activities with an earnest desire to bring joy to their mothers and to express their genuine appreciation.
In total, 28 guests attended the event. The day included a “mommy and me” painting activity, a “how well do you know your family member” game and a seminar about biblical paradigms.
The most emotional part of the day was when mothers watched the heartfelt videos their children made for them. Many of the mothers shed tears as they watched their children express their sincere apology for not fathoming their love and sacrifice. After the videos, members presented bouquets of flowers and personalized gifts to their mothers.

Following the videos and gifts, the New York Church of God Choir performed the song “A Mother’s Love” to close out the event. The entire day took mothers on a roller coaster of emotions. As a result, the mothers could feel the genuine appreciation from their sons and daughters.
Bronx, NY
In the Bronx, NY, 26 guests filled the church. Attendees listened to a presentation that demonstrated how the microscopic connection between children and their mothers, seen in all of God’s creation, testifies to the existence of God the Mother.
Consequently, they were able to better understand the origin of the love mothers have toward their children. On this earth that love is a reflection of the unconditional love of Heavenly Mother.

After the presentation came the performances and activities. A special mother and daughter dance was perhaps the most touching moment of all.
Manhattan, NY
In Manhattan, NY, as well, Church of God members organized a special day for mothers—the guests of honor.
Upon arrival, mothers received a warm welcome and a letter of thanks written by their own children. Afterwards, as they ate brunch they watched videos of their children expressing how much they love and appreciate them.

Moreover, a female group sang “Amor Eterno” (Eternal Love) and “You Raise Me Up.” “Amor Eterno” speaks about the unconditional love of mothers. The song is specifically dedicated to those who have lost their own mothers. Everyone shed tears while thinking of their own mothers.
Besides a delicious brunch, mothers also received handcrafted gift bags. The gifts were a personal touch that allowed the sons and daughters to show how much they appreciate and know their mothers.
Remembering Our Mothers Every Day
It is in a mother’s nature to love and nurture her children. Mothers devote their entire lives to their children without expecting anything back. Their love is the purest love on earth because it is a reflection of the unconditional and boundless love of Heavenly Mother.
Heavenly Mother has cared for mankind, without recognition, since the creation of the world. Similarly, as children we often neglect our own mothers as take their care for granted. Then, as we grow older, our lives become busy and we forget to think about our mothers.

The Church of God hopes that these events will lead everyone to not only remember their mothers once a year, but each and every day. And similarly, the Church of God hopes that everyone will realize the holy love of God the Mother in their everyday lives as well.
What a beautiful experience it was to spend Mother’s Day at the Church of God. I even heard that many Church of God locations all around the East Coast hosted an event to commemorate the love of our moms. I believe through these kind of gracious, appreciation events people feel more open to receive the love of God Elohim as well. I cant wait for the next one!
God bless you!
This is so beautiful! Mother’s are really the amazing gift from God.
Thank you to all the amazing Mother’s for their sacrifice and Love. Because of you, children grow and become beautiful people inside and out.
Great Job Church of God for taking active care to appreciate our Mother’s in this world and also sharing about Heavenly Mother.
This is such a beautiful news coming from the Church of God. It is touching to hear about this Mothers Day brunch and see how much each member cares for their moms.
I love mom!i miss you so much!