world mission society church of god, yellow shirt volunteers, queens book festival

Queens Book Festival

On Sunday, August 7, 2016, the sun shone brightly as the residents of Queens came out for the first Queens Book Festival at Kaufman Astoria Studio in Astoria, Queens. Members of the World Mission Society Church of God eagerly volunteered at this event, which was considered the “largest and most inclusive literary gathering in Queens.”

An array of people attended that day, from authors, writers and business owners. In addition to the diverse audience, about 100 Queens-based businesses supported the Festival by providing giveaways, food, and entertainment. The writers and authors also organized a panel discussion, readings for kids, book signings and workshops. The overall mission of the Queens Book Festival is to promote literacy for children in New York City and to highlight writers in the Queens Area. “The true purpose is to springboard kids into reading and aspects of literary culture,” said Johanne Civil, the Festival’s Executive Director and Founder.

There was much to do from start to finish of the event. Members from the Church of God helped arrange kiosks, set up booths, unloaded trucks with materials, arranged and distributed informational booklets and pamphlets, and most importantly greeted Festival goers with warm smiles and conversation. Ms. Civil, along with many exhibitors, expressed gratitude for the volunteers’ assistance and hard work in helping with the Festival. A member and volunteer from the Church of God, Dominique Letang, shared, “It feels great to be a part of such a great mission and to know that we helped make a difference in shedding light on the growing literacy crisis here in New York City.”

Church of God volunteers will continue to support its community by enthusiastically serving their neighbors with the heart of God the Mother.

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25 Responses

  1. So amazing is the unity of the members of Church Of God. God is truly pleased with all of you. 🙂

  2. Wow, such beautiful smiles; working for a beautiful cause! I’m so honored to be a part of an amazing church that cares so much about others and the community! Keep up the great work and shining the true light of God!

  3. The Queens Book Festival was such a great experience! From beginning to end the members of the Church of God worked tirelessly with a smile to ensure the success of this event and they made sure everyone had a great time. Now I can’t wait for the 2017 Queens Book Festival!

  4. Thanks to Father and Mother for allowing me to be apart of this volunteering event!! It was very fun helping out our local library. Also it was fun getting to help new authors set up their booths as well as helping the cooks that were selling there delicious food for the event. Helping others with Gods love is an amazing feeling!!

  5. it’s always so great to see many people who are moved by the voulenter work of the World Mission Society church of God, always serving with the heart of heavenly mother. Keep up the good work ! Animo !

  6. As this was the first book festival in Queens and one of the biggest festivals so far one can come to see the efforts of The Church of God who display the glory Of God the Father and God the Mother to the whole world. Working in unity and in love and making efforts to help the local communities.

  7. I used to live in that area and I’m so happy that a church group did an excellent job for the community! Lately people have been very self-centered and this kind of article makes me feel there is still humanity. Keep up the good work!

  8. Im super glad that the Queens Book Festival was so successful in promoting literacy for children in New York City by encouraging our future generation into reading and opening the doors for them into our literary culture. Im super stoked for how Amazing it is that there’s still people that truly care like the members of the World Mission Society Church of God. For their heart felt efforts, hard work and assistance in helping our community will definitely shine bright and make a huge difference.

  9. This was a truly fun and fulfilling way to spend a Sunday morning, and I had an especially good time sharing Mother’s love with the local startup business owners whom we helped!
    I look forward to the next community service event 

  10. It’s Wonderful to see that the Church of God partook in this festival to help children and community development.

  11. This fits to a great reminder of the most caring works of Christ, to lend a hand and love your neighbors. Church of God, sets a great example in following in these steps. Like Christ, you’re always shining the love of God. Thank you for this insight.

  12. Wow! How delighting it is to see a group of young people serve their community. I can’t wait to see what the next step is for the WMSCOG in Queens in serving their community following the examples of the bible.

  13. Wow! This was such an amazing event! I’m sure it was great for those who participated, to be a part of shining light on the literacy world and encourage them to continue in Queens! The members of the Church of God really look so happy, shining the love of God !

  14. Wow how much unity and love the Church of God has. Events like Queens Book Festival are so touching and beautiful ! In order for members to be so United and Loving is because of the perfect example it’s followed from Elohim God!! 🙂

  15. Such bright and welcoming faces! Truly it’s so beautiful to see the church of God always being first to share love and encouragement to the society where love is decreasing. Truly this is a great Church!!!

  16. Nice article! This is such a beautiful act of kindness. Children today will soon be the adults leading the future, so to help the community in such a way to help children grow is rewarding in itself. It is great to see the Church of God being recognized for its good deeds. Everything they do is done with God’s Love and their praises are always given to God the Father and God the Mother. For this, they are truly blessed. Keep up the good work!

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