The WMSCOG and Zion 

Q: Why is the WMSCOG called Zion?

A: Two thousand years ago, Christ established the Church of God (1 Co 1:2). It was also referred to as Zion (Heb 12:22).

According to the Bible, Zion refers to the place that keeps the feasts of God

“Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals … There the LORD will be our Mighty One. … the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.” 

Jesus built Zion by establishing the seven annual feasts of the New Covenant and the weekly feast of the Sabbath. We can find the seven feasts of God in the book of Leviticus (Lev 23). They include the Sabbath, the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Biblically, the church that keeps all these feasts of God just as Jesus kept them is Zion.

The World Mission Society Church of God is the only church that keeps the seven feasts of God just as Jesus taught. Therefore, the WMSCOG is the biblical Zion. We invite you to a more in-depth Bible study to better understand the prophecies behind Zion, King David and Jesus.

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