The New Covenant 

Q: What is the New Covenant?

A: The Bible contains two types of laws: The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (1 Co 9:20–21). The Law of Moses pertains to what the Israelites observed in the Old Testament. The Law of Christ signifies the teachings given by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. These laws are also known as the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, respectively.  

Through the prophet Jeremiah, God said He would establish the New Covenant in the future.  

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.”

In the New Testament, the laws and practices of the Old Covenant (Old Testament) changed into the laws and practices of the New Covenant (Heb 8:13). Jesus demonstrated the proper way to observe the New Covenant (Jn 13:15).  

The New Covenant encompasses all of Christ’s teachings: the seven annual feasts in three times, the weekly feast of the Sabbath, and the regulation of the women’s veil. By adhering to the teachings of the New Covenant, we can attain eternal life (Mt 19:17). 

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