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Church of God Welcomes New Members and First-timers

The Church of God in New Windsor, NY hosted several events November and December to introduce new members and first-timers to the World Mission Society Church of God.

The series of events, suitably called the Welcome Festival, received between 200 and 250 guests each time. New members attended from the tri-state area and beyond. The Church of God in New Windsor held the events on November 10 and 17, as well as December 29.

Members conversing with one another in the church dining hall.

From their first steps through the doors, each guest received a gift bag, including a program with the day’s activities. The events began with guests watching the Church of God introduction video showcasing WMSCOG’s impact locally and around the globe. This includes community service activities, global recognition and awards, and its beliefs.

New members and guests learning about the activities and achievements of the Church of God.
New members and guests learning about the activities and achievements of the Church of God.

Moreover, participants learned about the Church of God’s history and expansion. To date, the World Mission Society Church of God has grown to more than 8,000 locations in 175 countries, sharing the love of Christ in each respective community worldwide.

Group Bible Study Expands Spiritual Understanding

Following the videos, a group Bible study in the form of a digital presentation took place. The Bible is the standard for Christianity and all of the teachings of the Church of God. With this in mind, the attendees studied the Bible with excitement to learn.

Group Bible study during the Welcome Festival on November 10, 2019.

In the audience, those just beginning to take their first steps in their life of faith grew closer to the word of God. Through the in depth study, they learned about God’s plan of salvation through various Bible prophecies.

Afterward, the guests moved to the reception area. There, delicious entrées awaited them in an elegant, banquet-style hall. While eating and conversing with one another, a monitor played videos displaying volunteer activities from the past year and earlier years.

Members enjoying food at the Autumn Welcome Festival 2019.

Most notably, a recording of the 2019 World Peace Concert at the Lincoln Center Alice Tully Hall in New York City played. The Church of God’s university student volunteer group, ASEZ, hosted the event.

Last Reformation Exhibition Timeline Tours

The Welcome Festival wrapped up with groups taking tours of the Last Reformation Exhibition Timeline. The timeline features the comprehensive history of Christianity. It begins with an explanation of the origin of sin in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

New members intently looking at the Bible during the group Bible study.

After that, the timeline shows the way to be forgiven of our sins during the time of Moses through the feasts of God. Next, it segues into the time of Jesus and His disciples, showing their example of observing the New Covenant feasts of God.

The Early Church kept the teachings of the New Covenant until the Dark Ages when God’s commands began to be abolished one by one. Finally, the timeline concludes with the restoration of God’s commandments, the second coming of Jesus, and the existence of God the Mother.

New members looking at a church booklet.
New members taking notes during the group Bible study.

The Welcome Festival allowed recently baptized members and first-timers alike to deepen their understanding on how to truly live a Christian life. The World Mission Society Church of God offers numerous Bible studies and seminars to guide those interested in seeking God.

Stay up to date with other events the World Mission Society Church of God hosts by following us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.


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