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The Bible Is the Standard of Christianity

Whether you’re starting your faith journey or have been a believer for years, the Bible serves as the cornerstone of Christian faith. The most effective way to know and build a relationship with God is through His words. Through the Bible, Jesus explains His teachings and what the disciples practiced. 

“…built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”

The World Mission Society Church of God was built on this foundation. Jesus Christ and His disciples left behind His teachings that lead to salvation—the Sabbath, the Passover, all the Feast of God and many more. These teachings are consistent throughout the Bible and play a vital role in attaining the goal of our faith—the salvation of our souls (1 Pt 1:9)

“‘These are the very Scriptures that testify about me [Jesus].’”​

The Scriptures testify about Jesus Christ. Only through studying the Bible, can we gain a deeper faith and understand our Savior. The Church of God hosts Bible seminars, educations, and preaches to all people throughout the State of New York about the New Covenant. We invite you to join us for a more in-depth conversation about our beliefs. 

Sabbath Day

The Day to Worship God

Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day is the seventh day of the week, Saturday.
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Holy Trinity

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Holy Trinity

Three titles yet the same one God.
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Women’s Veil

Honor in Worship

Women’s Veil

During worship, men should not cover their heads, and women should cover their heads.
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About the Soul

Our True Essence

About the Soul

Where are we from? Where are we going?
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The First Step to Salvation


The ceremony for us to be born again spiritually.
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Feasts of God

God’s Important Celebrations

Feasts of God

The seven annual feasts were established for our blessing and salvation.
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