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ASEZ Moore Homestead Playground Cleanup in Queens, NY

On Sunday, July 28 the ASEZ university student volunteer group hosted the Moore Homestead Playground Cleanup in partnership with Assembly Member Steven Raga, as part of their “Reduce Crime Together Campaign.”

Around 40 volunteers gathered from Queens College, Baruch College, Partnerships for Parks, and Assembly Member Steven Raga’s district office. “Our main mission is to give New Yorkers the resources they need to care for their local parks,” said Adam, a representative of the Parks Department and City Parks Foundation joint program.

Before the cleanup began, ASEZ members prepared snacks, water and cleaning materials for all the volunteers. Cleaning up the community can create a safer and more enjoyable environment for everyone who visits CC Moore Park. Kristen Estevez, a university student from Queens College, noted that, “when we all work together in unity, we can make a greater change.” ASEZ members and Assembly Member Steven Raga’s team collected 27 bags of trash. Most of them were filled with plastics, balloon waste, beer bottles and cigarette butts which are not pleasant to see at local parks where children and young people often play. 

Moore Homestead Playground

Recognition and Lasting Impact

“Today’s cleanup in Elmhurst was a great success. Thank you to all the volunteers who joined and thank you to ASEZ for their partnership in helping us keep our community clean,” said Assembly Member Steven Raga before awarding ASEZ with a New York State Assembly citation.

The volunteers also focused on cleaning the trash near the seating areas, park entrances, and spaces that are accessible to young children. Raga mentioned that beautification and litter removal projects allow community members to “see how we should be taking care of our park and see that other people also care about their park.” Some of the locals from the community were even moved to help by walking all the way over to properly dispose of their trash in the bags that were provided rather than throwing it on the ground.

Moore Homestead playground has visitors every day, and there are plenty more parks that need an uplift in the New York City region. That is exactly what ASEZ is here for. Saving the earth from A-to-Z is their mission, and given the opportunity, these student volunteers will continue to set the example of protecting their communities, making the environment more sustainable and ensuring that these spaces are here for everyone to enjoy.

To view more ASEZ events in New York, click here.

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